Category: Add Featured Image for each POST Category



Test URL(s):



Status: Closed; Priority: N/A

  1. Display a specified image in the Hero Image area for a category page
  2. Display the Category image in the Hero image section of a single post.

About item 2 listed above, the spec has been changed. It’s now:
Display the Featured image of a post to its Hero image section.
See this task for details:
Post: Display Featured image in Hero image section

Add a data input entry below Slug, like
Default Featured Image [ … ]

Test page to display Category image on Category page
TCM & Acupuncture Blog

Add a new field for entering Featured Image for this Category
Remove the existing default image entering fields in this admin page once the above feature is implemented
Featured image is set for TCM & Acupuncture Category
Fixed: Assigned Category Featured image is not displayed in Hero image area

4 thoughts on “Category: Add Featured Image for each POST Category”

  1. Hello,

    The task is done.

    I have added a category image
    So I have removed those fields from the FBU settings

    How it will work
    first, it will check the post feature image exist or not, if not exist then it will take category image
    if a category image does not exist then it will take the default image from the FBU settings

    the process is the same but we have just added the category-wise image and removed it from the FBU settings.

    let me know if any queries or issues.

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