Enhance Clinic Practitioners Selection and Display Criteria





Test URL(s):


Faculty Table Structure (fbu_faculty)

Clinic Practitioner Table Structure (fbu_clinic_faculty)

Need to log in first to view the above two table structures.


Selection Criteria:

Not to select if the ‘display” field in the fbu_faculty table is not “Y”

Not to select if the ‘language” field in the fbu_faculty table does not contain the corresponding language code,
for example:
On the Chinese version of a Clinic Practitioners page, the ‘language’ field should contain the language code ‘zh‘ and
On the English version of a Clinic Practitioners page, the ‘language’ field should contain the language code ‘en

Check the table structure mentioned in the above References block.

Full Name Display criteria:

On the Chinese version of a Clinic Practitioners page, use content from “ch_names” field from fbu_faculty table as Full Name
On the English version of a Clinic Practitioners page, use content from “firstname” and “lastname” fields from fbu_faculty table as Full Name.

If a Practitioner does not have “ch_name” (empty) to show on the Chinese page,  display his/her “firstname” and “lastname” Chinese name.
By the same token,
If a Practitioner does not have “firstname” and “lastname” (empty) to show on the English page,  display his/her “ch_name” as English name.

All names, be it lastname, firstname or ch_names, come from fbu_faculty table.

Keep the display order by Full Name with English name first, then Chinese name.

Check the Faculty page as a reference:

Those two are not supposed to display

Two of those 4 marked are not supposed to display

Keep the display order by Full Name with English name first, then Chinese name.

Check the Faculty page as a reference:

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